
Public has two weeks to make comments on proposed changes to pension funds

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Members of the public have another two weeks to make comments to Parliament on the proposed cashing out of a portion of their pension funds. This follows the publication of the draft reforms in retirement savings by National Treasury.

The public has until August 29 to comment on the 2022 Draft Revenue Laws Amendment Bill. This will allow workers, both in the public and private sector, to access a third of their retirement savings a year. It is anticipated to be implemented in April next year.

“The amendment from Treasury has many positive aspects to it going forward in April next year it will allow workers one third of their savings through a savings pot once a year and the other two thirds will accessed once they retire which will mean workers will avoid having to retire in order to access their pension funds which will incentivise workers to save more once they access their one third savings pot,” says Cosatu’s Matthew Parks.

“The workers spend more money to commute from their work places home and their monthly responsible income which means that workers are working for charity. This situation is becoming untenable and we will now step up the pressure on government and in particular National Treasury to urgently table these amendments through legislation and currently consult workers and federations through the Nedlac process,” says Deputy General Secretary of  Fedusa Ashely Benjamin.

Budget 2022 – Some employees will now be able to benefit from the proposed changes to pensions:
