
NUMSA salutes a brave generation of women

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has joined the chorus of voices celebrating National Women’s Day. The union has expressed concern that working-class women are under attack and are not safe anywhere in the country.

NUMSA national spokesperson Phakamile Hlubi-Majola says, “NUMSA salutes the brave generation of women who on the 9th August 1956 marched in their thousands to the nation’s capital, the Union Buildings, to protest against the oppressive apartheid government. Recently we’ve been besieged by reports of shocking attacks against women in South Africa. South African women are living in a war zone, and it seems the authorities are too paralysed to stop it. Capitalism prioritises the well-being of the rich against that of the poor.”

‘Women not safe in SA’

Dozens of women who joined the 66th Women’s march to the Union Buildings in Pretoria say the gang rape of eight women in Krugersdorp last week should be a reminder that women are not safe in South Africa.

They have called on all women to find their inner voices and demand to be treated fairly and with respect.

The march will be followed by a dialogue addressing the challenges women continue to face today and possible solutions. These women say justice must be delivered for the eight Krugersdorp rape victims.

“I just feel so sad for the men that were doing that thing, for their sisters, for their mothers. Men must not take women for granted. They are not toys that you feel you can play with their bodies. 2 – We don’t need to forget our power, this is a reminder that we do have a voice. 3 – With the ongoing rapes and attacks on women. We come from the West Rand where that incident happen and we are here as women for women. We are not going to stand for this. Be it protest, we are here to support women.”


