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Eskom to receive more funding for critical maintenance: Ramaphosa

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President Cyril Ramaphosa says over the next 12 months Eskom will receive more funding to carry out critical maintenance.

The move will allow the power utility to improve the performance of its power stations by recruiting skilled personnel.

In a special address to the nation on Monday night, the President announced new measures to deal with the country’s energy crisis.

Ramaphosa gave Eskom 3 months to add new generation capacity to the grid on an urgent basis.

He says this will be achieved by buying energy from businesses, households and neighbouring countries.

“As part of addressing the shortage of megawatts, Eskom will now also purchase additional energy from existing private generators such as mines, paper mills, shopping centres and other private entities that have surplus power. A number of our neighbouring countries in Southern Africa, such as Botswana and Zambia, have more electricity capacity than they require.”

“Eskom will now import power from these countries through the Southern African Power Pool arrangement. Eskom will also use interim power solutions, such as mobile generators, to supplement current generation capacity for a limited period,” adds the President.

Former Eskom staff to be roped in

President Ramaphosa says skilled personnel are being sourced locally and from abroad, including former Eskom staff to help with generation issues at the power utility.

The President also says additional generation capacity will also be urgently procured in the next three months from plants with an excess of capacity.

President Ramaphosa further announced the establishment of a National Energy Crisis Committee involving the Departments of Energy, Public Enterprises, Environment, Treasury and Police to deal with the energy problems the country has experienced.

The President’s address is below:
