
National Treasury DG to leave office in June when contract expires

Reading Time: 2 minutes

National Treasury has announced that its Director-General, Dondo Mogajane will leave in June when his contract expires.

Mogajane has served government for 23 years.

In a statement released on Thursday, Treasury says Mogajane chose not to extend his contract to pursue new opportunities outside of the public sector.

Minister of Finance, Enoch Godogwana thanked the DG for his tireless efforts and wished him well in his future endeavours.

A process to recruit a new DG of the National Treasury has already commenced.

Mogajane says many including the Minister have tried to convince him to stay.

He says, “Everyone tried, everyone who is close to me in government tried, my friends who understand the work we do tried. My minister official conversation in August, I told him that when he was still in the ANC, I had endless conversations with him. “

“Three week before he came here I told him come end of my contract am not extending. When he sat his foot in my office. He said let’s chat you not going anywhere, I said Minister no please don’t convince me otherwise. Saturday morning, he called me and said are you sure? I told him I had made up my mind,” Mogajane adds.
