
Mbali Ntuli’s departure a huge blow for the DA: Analyst

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Political analyst Levy Ndou has described the departure of Mbali Ntuli from the Democratic Alliance (DA) as a “huge blow” for the party.

Ntuli announced her departure from the DA on Thursday, saying she wanted to explore other avenues. But, the party in KwaZulu-Natal says Ntuli’s resignation is not surprising because she did hint that she intended to leave. Abongile Dumako reports…

Mbali Ntuli is yet another black leader calling it quits from the DA. She spent 15 years with the party.

She has decided to leave the party and stepped down as a member of the KwaZulu-Natal provincial legislature. The 33-year old, who lost the party’s presidential race against the incumbent, John Steenhuisen in 2020, says she will take a break from formal politics, something that has been described as a “huge blow” for the DA.

Political analyst Levy Ndou says, “I think it is a blow for the DA to lose the caliber of Mbali Ntuli. This is the person who has been credited for doing a very good job in building the Democratic Alliance in KwaZulu-Natal. This is one person, who grew in the party and if she leaves the party, the potential is that she might leave with her support, wherever she goes. And it’s time for the DA to try their best that they don’t lose prominent black leaders because that has an impact on the growth of the Democratic Alliance.”

But, DA KwaZulu-Natal leader, Francois Rogers says long-time leader Mbali Ntuli’s resignation from the party is not surprising. He says she had previously spoken to him about her desire to explore other areas.

“I am not aware that Mbali is not aligned to policies and visions, she certainly hasn’t indicated that to me. I think that the fact that she needs new challenges in her life and that her priorities perhaps have changed and I have to respect that and thank her for what she has contributed to the party in various roles and what she has contributed as a member of the provincial legislature,” says Rogers.

Political analyst Tessa Dooms says Ntuli’s departure from the DA did not come as a surprise to many.

Dooms says, ” I think it comes through a long history in her own words as she says having engaged with the party in many ways, spoken up and not necessarily finding a climate within the party that is conducive to differing voices, differing opinions.”

Dooms shares more on Ntuli leaving the DA:

The DA insists there is nothing untoward behind Ntuli’s departure.

