
Masoyi serial killer remorseful for murders: Lawyer

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The lawyer representing the convicted Masoyi serial killer has told the Mpumalanga High Court in Mbombela that Julius Mndawe was working as a security officer when he committed the crimes.

Ellana Erasmus told the court that Mndawe was employed at a lodge in the Kruger National Park.

Erasmus was addressing the court in mitigation of sentence.

She told the court that Mndawe is remorseful for the killing of the five women between 2018 and 2019.

He pleaded guilty to the five counts of murder.

Sentencing continues.

Murders were premeditated

Last week, the court found Mndawe guilty of killing the five young women.

Mndawe also told the court that the murders were not premeditated.

But the investigating officer said the manner in which the women were buried suggests that their murders were premeditated.

In her judgment, Acting Judge Denise Greyling-Coetzer found that Mndawe planned the murders.

“The five murders show consistent cause of conduct. One, selection of the victims were young black women. All coming to him in his homestead about 20 kilometres from where the women reside. One result, death, and one method of disposal of the bodies, burial in a shallow grave in his property.”

“I’m satisfied that the only reasonable conclusion to be drawn from the totality of the evidence and the facts is that the accused premeditated these murders. Applying through and carrying out and ensuring that it is complete concealing his criminal acts.”

Mndawe found guilty of murder: 


