
Biden faces ‘tough task of undoing deepening of prejudice and hatred’: Mandela Foundation

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Nelson Mandela Foundation has joined many South Africans in welcoming the presidential elections victory in the US of Democrat, Joe Biden, saying that the president-elect faces a tough task of undoing the deepening of prejudice and hatred during the Trump years.

The foundation says Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris fought a punishing but ultimately successful campaign. Harris will be the first African-American vice president and also the first woman to be vice president.

“We look forward to seeing the White House occupied by a leadership team which understands the central importance of human dignity. We take special pleasure from the fact that Mz Harris is the first woman in US history to fill the position of Vice-President.”

The foundation says they wish Biden and Harris well in what will be a difficult transition.

“We call on Mr Trump to embrace the democratic process, support the transition, and begin contributing to the healing of a deeply fractured society. As Nelson Mandela often used to say, a good leader knows when to step down, And how to do so appropriately. It’s not too late for Trump to embrace dignity, for himself and for others.”

President Cyril Ramaphosa is among the world leaders who have also congratulated Biden on his elections victory in the US.

He says he’s looking forward to working with Biden in strengthening relations between the two countries and tackling tough global problems.

Ramaphosa says that the challenges include climate change, human rights and global security.

A statement from the Presidency said,” The United States contributed to the liberation struggle in South Africa and continued to provide support to help consolidate democracy after South Africa’s first democratic elections in 1994.”

The statement further says that the United States government provided generous financial and technical support to help South Africa’s efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, thus building on the highly successful platform of health cooperation under the PEPFAR framework.

Democrat, Biden, has already started setting up his team to take over from Republican incumbent Donald Trump in mid-January. However, Trump has yet to concede defeat.

Full statement from the Presidency below:
