
ANC PEC wants Boyce Maneli suspended with immediate effect

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The African National Congress (ANC) Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) says Communications Portfolio Committee Chairperson Boyce Maneli should be suspended with immediate effect.

This follows his appeal to the ANC NEC regarding the VBS Mutual Bank saga.

Maneli and Merafong Municipality Mayor Maphefo Letsie are taking the fall after officials in their municipalities invested in the now-defunct VBS Mutual Bank – apparently without their knowledge.

Maneli’s failure to act against Municipal officials who invested over R127 million taxpayers’ money has cost him his parliamentary position.

The PEC also resolved that Loyiso Masuku, wife of former Health MEC Bandile Masuku, can resume her duties as MMC in the City of Johannesburg and as Deputy Regional Secretary of Johannesburg.

However, Bandile Masuku and Presidency spokesperson Khusela Diko have been barred from attending organisational work pending the finalization of the disciplinary process.

The PEC held a two-day Special meeting virtually on Tuesday and Wednesday to determine what action to be taken on the matters related to alleged corruption in the procurement of Personal Protective Equipment in the Gauteng Health Department.

In a statement, the PEC says the outcome of the Disciplinary Committee will determine if both Masuku and Diko should remain PEC members or be removed.

The pair face charges related to a PPE tender scandal.

In the video below is a report on Letsie and Maneli:

Former Gauteng Health MEC Bandile Masuku plans to challenge the findings of the SIU report which formed the basis of Premier David Makhura’s decision to fire him.

In a statement, Masuku says he does not agree with the SIU finding that he failed to execute his oversight functions. Makhura announced that he was firing Masuku based on the preliminary findings of the Special Investigating Unit into alleged irregularities relating to the procurement of PPE supplies.

This is despite the SIU not having made any finding regarding Masuku’s alleged involvement in any acts of corruption or collusion. Their investigation is still underway.
