
SCA confirms Lerato Sengadi as HHP’s customary wife

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) in Bloemfontein has upheld the High Court order which declared Lerato Sengadi as the customary law wife of the late hip hop singer, Jabulani “HHP” Tsambo.

In a unanimous judgment, the SCA ruled that the marital union between Sengadi and Tsambo was valid as it had complied with the provisions of the Recognition of the Customary Marriages Act.

In a Twitter post on Thursday, Sengadi announced the victory with a picture of the official court paper.

“I will not forget this day for as long as I live! It is over! Justice has been served! To God be the Glory. Thokoza bo Gogo le Bo Mkhulu! Motho waka, remember that promise we make that day a gazzilion years ago? We both kept it! Ke go rata until until!,” wrote Sengadi.

The matter was brought to the SCA after HHP’s father, Robert Tsambo, disputed that the Sengadi could legally be recognised as his son’s customary law wife.

That’s despite admitting that R30 000 was paid following lobola negotiations at Sengadi’s Soweto home.

HHP’s father, Robert Tsambo, contended that the handing over of the bride to the Tsambo family did not happen. He argued that this was the crucial part of their culture.

However, this argument was dismissed by the full bench of the SCA. The Appeal Court ruled that Robert Tsambo’s contentions pertaining to the rituals observed during the handing over of the bride ceremony failed to take into account that customary law was constantly evolving.

The court concurred with Sengadi that a lawful and binding customary law marriage came into existence between herself and HHP on February 28, 2016, the day the two families met for lobola.

Sengadi expressed joy over the victory and thanked everyone who supported her.

“To everybody that has been on this journey with me, praying for me, giving me positive vibes – THANK YOU. When I said #IWillNotCower, I meant it!,” wrote Sengadi.

The popular rapper committed suicide in October 2018.
