
Businesses, churches heed the lockdown call

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Churches, businesses and other professional bodies are responding positively to the nationwide lockdown. Executives from businesses and professional bodies are increasingly contributing portions of their incomes to alleviate the negative impact of COVID-19.

Members of the judiciary are the latest to contribute towards the Solidarity Fund. Shortly after President Cyril Ramaphosa’s call, members of the Judicial Officers Association of South Africa contributed R50 000 to the Fund and simultaneously appealed to its 2 300 members to make further individual contributions.

The association’s Daniel Thulare says all should join hands in the fight for humanity.

“Everybody else in the nation, when we get pricked, we feel the pain, when we get cut, we feel the pain. This is a fight for humanity and all of us should join hands.”

 Ramaphosa announces a Solidarity Fund to curb the effects of COVID-19:

Executives from retail and banking sectors are also contributing portions of their salaries either towards saving jobs or directly to the Solidarity Fund.

Even churches across the country sacrificed their holiest day of the year, Good Friday, in response to a call to resist gathering in large numbers for church services.

The Easter weekend is arguably the most crucial one for millions of Christians around the country. But due to the coronavirus pandemic and a call by the President to avoid large gatherings, most have opted for online services.

In the video below, Churches opt for online Easter services amid nationwide lockdown:

Other churches say they will use their different online platforms to share information about the COVID-19 pandemic and safety tips.

Reverend Ronald Lushaba of the Lutheran Church in Mpumalanga says they had to learn fast on how to make use of the online platforms to conduct their sermons.

“We will be focusing on the seven words that Jesus said on the cross and also we are going to encourage other people to stay at home. Also what we are going to do is to help our people to understand the negative impact on our economy.”

-Additional reporting by Mthobisi Mkhaliphi
