
Reversing Sars current situation will take time: Momoniat

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The National Treasury says it will take some years for the South African Revenue Service (Sars) to be able to collect revenue to its full potential.

Both the National Treasury and Sars were briefing Parliament’s Standing Committee on Finance on how far they are on the implementation of the recommendations of the Nugent Commission.

The Commission found, among other things, maladministration and mismanagement at Sars between 2014 and 2017, which resulted in revenue collection declining.

The Deputy Director-General Ismail Momoniat says reversing the current situation will take time.

“It’s ability to collect revenue … it’s going to take Sars at least two years before it can be in a decent state. In my estimation, it will still have revenue shortfall because they don’t have expertise. The economy is not growing which puts further pressure on Sars.”
