
ANC victory draws mixed reactions in Nelson Mandela Bay

Eastern Cape election results
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Residents in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro have mixed feelings about the 2019 election results. The ANC got a clean sweep in the Eastern Cape, beating their top opposition, the DA and the EFF by a large margin. The party received 68%, followed by the DA with 15.73% and the EFF 7.84%.

The Eastern Cape has for many years been the ANC’s stronghold, but has taken a knock at the polls in recent years due to internal issues. The election of President Cyril Ramaphosa with a promise of new dawn and an end to corruption has led to more people finding hope in the ANC.

Like these soccer fans.

“I am so happy with how the results have gone, I am happy that the ANC has won. The other parties didn’t stand a chance, but ANC must do better.”

However, some have expressed disappointed with the results.

“I am so disappointed that people still voted for the ANC despite the corruption and poor governance of the ANC. I thought that people would give other parties like DA or EFF or even the UDM a chance; maybe they can do something better than the ANC.”

The ANC is expected to hold their celebrations in the Metro on Sunday after recording the highest votes.

