
IEC rejects calls for independent audit

Ballot paper
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has snubbed demands for an independent audit into the 2019 general elections.

27 small parties had given the electoral body until 11 o’clock on Saturday to appoint a firm that has no ties with government or face legal action.

The aggrieved parties were concerned over claims of double voting and the use of ink that could be erased in some instances.

However, the IEC says it’s confident that the 8 May polls were free and fair.

It says the request is not a legal requirement and its confident of its audit that its doing with the Statistician General will be credible.

IEC Chief Electoral Officer, Sy Mamabolo is urging those with proof of irregularities to present the evidence to authorities.

On Friday, domestic and international observers the endorsed the Wednesday polls – saying they were credible and the IEC has done a good job despite a few challenges.

Watch SABC senior political reporter Mzwandile Mbeje’s chat with IEC Chief Electoral Officer, Sy Mamabolo:


Call for changes

A shortage of  Section 24 A forms were also some of the challenges that faced voters on Wednesday.

Some voters were frustrated when voting stations ran out of registration forms.

The forms allows registered voters to vote at any polling station during the provincial and national elections.

Former Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) Deputy Chair, Terry Tselane, says the Section 24 A of the Electoral Act is causing logistical problems and should be done away with.

Tselani says voters should vote only where they are registered to avoid this.

“Section 24 A of the Electoral Act is archaic, is no longer relevant, is no longer helpful so this thing of people voting anywhere I think must come to an end because the biggest hindrance in the electoral process in fact if you look at the vote process, it is that aspect that actually contaminated the vote process.”

Tselane spoke to SABC anchor Desiree Chauke: 
