
DA currently leading in the Western Cape

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It’s an early start at the IEC’s results centre at Century City in the Western Cape, where results are slowly trickling in. IEC staff and very few party agents are present.

With over 32% of the votes counted in the Western Cape, the DA is the early front runner with nearly 60% of the vote.

The provincial IEC is expecting to soon be buzzing with party leaders, agents and journalists.

Party agents from the Freedom Front Plus, the newly formed Land party as well as the EFF are some of the early birds at the centre.

The Freedom Front Plus, who does not currently have a seat in the provincial legislator say they are optimistic that they will at least gain one seat.

Another newly formed party, Patricia de Lille’s Good Party, currently stands third behind the DA and ANC in the voting process.

The barely five month old party has so far received more than 3.7% of the provincial vote knocking the ACDP from its usual third place spot.

The ACDP says they expect significant growth in this election.
