
GLC promises to solve Giyani water crisis

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Gazankulu Liberation Congress (GLC) leader Wilson Seseni says his party wants a local river in Giyani to be turned into a dam so that people can have water.

GLC has criticised the governing party – the ANC – saying it is unable to solve the country’s problems.

Seseni was speaking during their manifesto launch in Giyani.

He says that an example is a water crisis in the area where the government has spent millions of rand trying to resolve the problem.

“The ruling party doesn’t know how to solve the problems. They’ve run out of ideas, so we’re saying as GLC that when we take over as government we’ll make sure that the issue of water crisis in Giyani is solved. We’re going to close the Giyani river and make it a dam. If you have water people will have irrigation, you’ve got farmers along the river,  you’ve got people who will do construction – they’ll get water, so the issue of water we’ll not get water crisis anymore.”
