
Maharaj urges youth to follow the footsteps of Sisulu and Mandela

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Hundreds of people gathered at the Kharwastan Community Hall at Chatsworth, south of Durban to celebrate the birthday centenaries of struggle stalwarts former President Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu.

Celebrating the lives of two icons, Mandela and Sisulu would have turned a hundred in 2018.

Children from the area were invited to share in the festivities.

Sisulu and Mandela both fought tirelessly to protect the rights of children.

Talks were about Albertina Sisulu as a matriarch in the Sisulu family and fight for democracy, and about Nelson Mandela’s strong will during the Rivonia Treason trial.

Mac Maharaj urged the youth to follow the examples of Sisulu and Mandela and make significant contributions towards improving lives.


