
‘Parliament will not entertain Khoisan eviction stunt’

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Parliament says it will not entertain what it calls any illegitimate correspondence for it to vacate its premises in Cape Town.

This comes after the King of the Khoisan, Khoebaha Calvin Corneilius the 3rd gave government and parliament official notice that the Khoisan people have seceded from South Africa to establish the Sovereign State of Goodhope.

It said some of the reasons for the secession are based on the principle of self-determination and recognised principles of international law.

The Khoisan group officially placed the eviction notice at Parliament’s visitors centre earlier this week, removed the South Africa flag outside the precinct, and hoisted the new flags of the Sovereign State of Good Hope.

But police later removed the written notice and the flags.

The eviction notice is addressed to the President and his cabinet.

It says, “We therefore give you notice that all government officials should be prepared to leave the territory within five days. Those who want to remain for longer period should immediately communicate with our government officers.”

It further says those officials who want to stay should register themselves as aliens and provide documentation on why they should remain in the Sovereign State of Good Hope.

But Parliament’s Spokesperson Moloto Mothapo says the institution will not entertain any illegitimate correspondence.

