
Durban July injects over R250 million into KZN economy

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The Vodacom Durban July has injected more than 260- million-rand into KwaZulu-Natal economy. About 50-thousand people attended the annual horse-racing spectacle on Saturday.

The Durban July is Africa’s biggest horse-racing event, and also includes a fashion element, attracting local and international patrons.

Meanwhile, the Ethekwini Municipality alone made a 150-million-rand turn over.

Durban Tourism manager, Sbu Zondi, says the city of Durban alone is believed to have made a turnover of more than 50-million rand from the event.

“We hosted the Durban July, and our activities started on the 30th of June with the number of events and activities that are linking with the Vodacom Durban July experiences. We did that to enhance more visitors within, to keep them excited and to keep around the city of Durban. We hosted quite a number of events during the weekend of Vodacom July. As we projected, we estimated over 50 thousand people to visit our city. We are still going through a process of evaluating the impact but our projections of 150 million rands for the city of Durban – is still expected to be met.”

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