
Drivers threaten to shut down Uber and Taxify

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Uber and Taxify drivers have threatened to shut down the ride e-hailing services should their demands not be addressed.

They marched to Uber offices in Krammerville in Johannesburg on Tuesday and handed over a memorandum of demands.

They gave both companies 48 hours to respond to their demands.

Among some of their demands is for the 25% commission which they claim Uber receives, to be reduced to 15%.

Taxify on the other hand, claims its drivers receive 85 % of the fares charged and that fares were recently increased in order to accommodate the fuel price hike.

Spokesperson for the drivers Vhathuka Mbelengwa says thus far they have not received any official response. ”

Uber has put out press releases about offering driver incentives and fuel top up incentives. These are solutions we have assessed and feel they lack impact in what we are trying to accomplish. We want real solutions. We want our demands met.”

NOTE: This story was amended on 06 July 2018 to more accurately reflect the Taxify payment structure – of 85 percent and not 13-20%.
