
Plans to reduce carbon dioxide ahead of COP17

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Plans are afoot to reduce carbon dioxide emission in Durban ahead of the COP17 meeting. The city today launched a Community Ecosystem Based Adaptation (CEBA) programme. The initiative involves impoverished communities restoring their natural ecosystems. The 12-day conference, from November 28 to 9 December is expected to generate over 15 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide. This will be mitigated by CEBA which will ensure the creation of cleaner and greener neighbourhoods. The project will include the cleaning of the Umbilo Catchment area, one of the more polluted areas in Durban. Delegates will be asked to purchase CEBA credits for $10 or R100 and the money will go towards the project. Meanwhile, city police patrolling the beach-front during the conference will exchange their motor bikes for battery operated bicyles.

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