
Delay in cabinet stopping country moving forward: Hlabisa

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) President Velenkosini Hlabisa is calling on the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the African National Congress (ANC) to conclude outstanding issues regarding negotiations for the Government of National Unity (GNU).

Hlabisa was addressing the media in light of uncertainty around the GNU.

Hlabisa is calling on political parties to put their interests aside and the people first.

He says the country cannot be put in a stalemate while parties are unable to finalize agreements.

“Like all South Africans, the IFP is growing concerned, our concern is for a country that is eager to move forward. The work of governance must begin, we cannot remain on a holiday. It is essential as the Constitution allows him [President] be able to reach the stage of announcing the new cabinet. The IFP is calling on the ANC and DA and any other party in the outstanding issues, to sort it between them without further delay.”

Hlabisa says President Ramaphosa must use the prerogative granted to him by the Constitution.

“The IFP is of the view that whoever is involved should finalise the issues and the President accordingly use the prerogative that is given to him by our Constitution. We know he’s not going to be willing to appoint anyone, anyhow but he is gauging and the engagement should not go on endlessly, should reach a point where we get the country going forward.”
