
Citizens brave chilly weather to attend Ramaphosa’s inauguration

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Enthusiastic and jubilant South Africans have braved the cold weather this morning to attend President Cyril Ramaphosa’s inauguration.

Pensioners and young children wrapped in blankets have already taken their seats in the lawns of the Union Buildings while artists are doing their final rehearsals.

South Africans from as far Limpopo have already arrived. They say their wish is for the incoming government to prioritize service delivery and fight corruption.

“We want the government to deliver better services. We don’t have water, we are sharing water with animals from local rivers,” says one person.

Young people who are here say they would like for government to create jobs.

Youth aged 15-34 years make up around 63.3% of the population and continue to face significant barriers to workforce inclusion.

Another person says, “We want jobs, we are starving, we don’t have jobs. My daughter is in matric and I don’t have money.”

Meanwhile, about 18 heads of state are expected to attend Ramaphosa’s inauguration.

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo will swear in Ramaphosa.

The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) will perform the ceremonial elements of the inauguration.

Police helicopters are hovering around the Union Buildings.

VIDEO | Crowds gather at the Union buildings:
