
Rise Mzansi calls for new, young leadership with fresh ideas

RISE Mzansi National Leader Songezo Zibi addresses community members in Mqanduli.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Rise Mzansi leader Songezo Zibi has taken his campaign trail to his hometown, Mqanduli, in the Eastern Cape.

He says it is time for young leadership with a plan to combat lack of service delivery, infrastructure challenges, access to health care facilities, skills development and gender based violence (GBV), to take their rightful place.

Addressing a rally at Mqanduli Townhall, Zibi says these challenges can be combated by young leaders with fresh ideas.

“So we have had a great campaign. It’s been really challenging because South Africa is big and we are a new organisation. But we’ve been to all nine provinces with a simple message, it’s time for new leaders, it’s time for younger leaders, energetic leaders with fresh ideas who care about communities where they come from.”

“We’ve also been saying we need leaders with a plan for jobs, for water, for single mothers, for early childhood development day-care centres and against crime,” he explains.

One of the residents, Sivuyile Velemba has called for the acceleration of service delivery during the rally.

“We do not have electricity, we do not have water. They installed water taps this year but they are dry. What are we voting for, Rise Mzansi will develop Mzansi.”
