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Maimane pledges to tackle unemployment as top priority if elected

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Build One South Africa (BOSA) leader Mmusi Maimane says, should he be voted into office this year, his top priority will be to address the high rate of unemployment in the country.

He says this will be done by attracting foreign investment and channeling it to where it’s needed the most.

Maimane was speaking during BOSA’s final Jikizinto election rally at Johannesburg’s Ellis Park stadium.

Hundreds of members and supporters of Build One SA gathered at Ellis Park Stadium for the party’s final rally before elections.

The rally was addressed by BOSA Leader Mmusi Maimane and its Deputy and Gauteng Premier Candidate, Nobuntu-Hlazo Webster.

BOSA says it believes in a united South Africa where all citizens have equal access and opportunities. During his keynote address, Maimane assured his supporters that he has a bulletproof plan to tackle the multitude of challenges that are currently plaguing the country, with job creation being his main priority.

“The most important problem the people of this country are facing is the lack of jobs, so we have got to ensure that we put a job in every home. We have got to ensure that the 40% of households that are without work that we do achieve economic growth, and part of that is ensuring that we fix Eskom, fix our Transnet logistics, and it’s ensuring that our communities are safe, and that is why we proposed a R220 billion investment into townships, and we also want to introduce a national civilian service so that young people can find work.”

Maimane also emphasised that his party will do its best to ensure that corruption is eradicated. He says one of the ways to achieve this goal is by introducing specialised corruption courts across the country.

“The starting point about fighting the battle against corruption is making sure that you elect leaders who are ethical. If you have people in parliament who are law breakers, they can’t be law makers, and we want to introduce specialised corruption courts, and we want to ensure that there is digitisation of the state, because when a state is digital, transactions people can observe, and then you eradicate the movement of cash in communities where those are used to buy off corrupt acts.”

BOSA supporters say they believe that BOSA is the only party that can bring meaningful change and eradicate poverty and the many other social ills in the country.

“I am here to support a movement that I believe has traction and brings real change that we have never seen. If you have followed Mmusi’s journey, even when he was with the DA, you can see he is a man of honesty and he can bring real change, so I want to see where he is going and the change he can bring to us. You look at the health sector and education, and you look everywhere at all the departments that we have, and as BOSA, we see that we have to intervene in all ways possible that we can do, and I can assure you that BOSA will give the changes that are needed.”

BOSA has called on all registered voters to flock to the polls on May 29th.

2024 Elections | BOSA holds final election rally at Ellis Park stadium: Ayanda Allie
