
‘No political will to deal with crime in townships effectively’

Metro Police officer
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Civil society organisation, Not In My Name, says there is no political will to deal with crime, especially in townships effectively.

This follows the killing of five-year-old Ditebogo Junior Phalane, during a hijacking incident in Soshanguve, north of Pretoria, at the weekend.

Not in My Name Secretary-General Themba Masango says the government has to increase visible policing as seen during the COVID-19 lockdowns to successfully fight crime.

“When we had the lockdown, we had police in every single area and people were policed to make sure that they don’t buy alcohol, and they don’t jump the street. People were closed at home. Now, we want the same type of activity, strength and action to be re-enforced, especially in township areas,” says Masango.

“In hotspots like Soshanguve, Inanda, Mamelod; places like Gugulethu, Khayelitsha in Cape Town, and the Cape Flats. They do have the resources. In Gauteng particularly, we’ve got the manpower now with ama-Panyapanya of Panyaza Lesufi [crime prevention wardens]. We should have people patrolling the streets 24/7,” adds Masango.

The video below is reporting more on the story
