
Lesotho holds inaugural Mining Indaba Khotla

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The Kingdom of Lesotho is holding its inaugural Mining Indaba Khotla, under the theme: The Future of Lesotho’s Mining Landscape.
Making new connections and conversations will be the motto during the two day’s event, where key industry players will meet under one roof to discuss future prospects and to tackle common challenges facing the industry.

According to the 1984 UN report, Lesotho has at least 400 kimberlite deposits, making it one of the richest 600 sqkm region in the Karoo, but with with very little exploration to other minerals.

On a positive note, this week, the Letšeng mine announced a recovery of 169 carat Type II white diamond, making it the fourth over 100 carat recovered this year.

Attendees will get to explore various stalls on display to appreciate more of the avail opportunities that lie in the mining industry.

Inaugural Mining Indaba Khotla:
