
Kelly Khumalo allegedly paid R100K for Meyiwa’s murder, Court hears

Accused in Senzo Meyiwa murder trial
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria has heard that Senzo Meyiwa’s then-girlfriend Kelly Khumalo was charged R100 000 for killing the soccer star. This is contained in the alleged confession of the number one accused, Muzi Sibiya.

The alleged confessions of the accused were laid bare. The alleged statements of both Sibiya and accused number two, Bongani Ntanzi, which were read out in court, implicate the songstress as the alleged mastermind behind his murder.

Five men are currently on trial for Meyiwa’s 2014 murder.

On the witness stand, police officer Solomon Raphadu, who took Ntanzi’s alleged first confession on 19 June 2020, revealed chilling details of what Ntanzi told him at Moroka police station.

In this alleged confession, Ntanzi, according to this statement, described receiving a phone call from accused number four, Mthokoziseni Maphisa, in mid-October 2014 about an urgent job.

And this is what Ntanzi’s alleged statement said he was told.

“I was briefed that the person [to be] eliminated or to be killed was Senzo Meyiwa and the matter was initiated by Kelly Khumalo who was going to make a payment for the whole job. We were positioned accordingly that Nkani would be the driver.”

“Muzi would be the guard and myself and Carlos will get inside Kelly’s house. Maphisa will be outside,” explains Raphadu.

Then, details about the day of Meyiwa’s killing and how the soccer star was shot dead.

“I went in with Carlos and others took their positions as discussed throughout the planning. When we entered the house, Carlos shouted phansi imali [lie down … money] and cellphones.”

“I started collecting money and cellphones. As I was doing, so Senzo jumped to Carlos and the struggle ensued where one shot went off and the second shot hit Senzo as the firearm was pointed at his chest.”

Then, how Ntanzi’s statement states that he received thousands of rand just after the scene was fled and more thousands the following day.

Raphadu says, “At the hostel, I received R15 000, I then left with Nkani to Johannesburg where I slept over. The following day he took me to Daveyton where I stayed for some days. Nkani returned and took out a further R30 000 and gave me.”

Ntanzi’s alleged statement detailed how there was further dissatisfaction over the payments, leading to a meeting. That accused number 1 had leaked information about the incident and that it was Sibiya’s father who told them to keep quiet about it.

Then another police officer Col Mhlanganyelwa Mbotho took the stand. Mbotho took down Sibiya’s confession on the same day that he was arrested on 30 May 2020.

He read Sibiya’s alleged confession statement, which details how Sibiya received a call from his friends Marco and Makhimba Buthelezi between September and October 2014.

Now, these are new names that are being heard in court.

“After the two arrived, Sibiya says he was told there was a job to kill Senzo Meyiwa and Meyiwa’s then-girlfriend Kelly Khumalo initiated it.”

“I asked which Kelly and Senzo, they said Kelly Khumalo and Senzo Meyiwa they are the people we were talking about. I asked them if they charged for it they said yes, R100 000 both Marco and Makhimba for the killing,” adds Mbotho.

Another witness is expected to be called on Monday.

Accused number 2’s confession read out:
