
Türkiye throws its weight behind SA’s ICJ applicaiton against Israel

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The government of Türkiye has announced that it supports an application by South Africa to the International Court of Justice against Israel regarding the violation of obligations under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

It says Israel’s murder of more than 22,000 Palestinian civilians, the majority of whom were women and children in Gaza nearly three months, should not go unpunished.

Türkiye government says those who are responsible for these murders must be held accountable before the international law. It says hopefully this process will be completed as soon as possible.

It also says that under this application, the International Court of Justice is expected to issue an interim injunction ordering Israel to stop its attacks on Gaza.

Turkey has also stated that it will follow the implementation of this decision.

South Africa’s suit against Israel at the International Court of Justice in The Hague is the first landmark case to be filed since the start of Israel’s military retaliation to the October 7 attack by Hamas, but the process will face fierce opposition from Israel’s allies.

The South African government has accused Israeli forces of committing “genocidal” acts in Gaza.

The case brought by South Africa will set up a high-stakes legal battle which would likely rumble on for a few years. It will also draw clear dividing lines between countries critical of Israel having a military response to the October 07th Hamas terror attack and those who see it as an act of legitimate self-defense.

South Africa claims Israel’s actions in Gaza amount to genocide and is asking the International Court of Justice rule Israel has bridged and continues to bridge its obligations on the genocide convention.

Now Israel has called Pretoria’s case a despicable and contentious exploitation of the court which amounts to blood liable.

South Africa to present its case against Israel before the ICJ next week:

The International Court of Justice will next week, the 11th to 12th January hear a matter brought by South Africa against Israel.

Israel has dismissed the accusations saying South Africa is protecting Hamas which has committed atrocities on the seventh of October last year on Israeli citizens.

Director-General of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Zane Dangor, says South Africa is ready to present its case.

“Our reaction is simply we have lodged a complaint with the ICJ in terms of the genocide convention…to prevent or punish the crime of genocide,” says Dangor.
