
Treasury has developed plan to improve internal controls: Godongwana

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Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana says National Treasury has developed a plan aimed at improving internal controls.

He says the National Strategic Plan will also seek to reduce fraudulent claims to programme funds and enhance compliance and reporting standards for irregular expenditure.

Godongwana sent a written reply to a Parliamentary question from the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).

EFF MP Mzwanele Manyi pointed out that the Auditor-General had found that National Treasury and entities reporting to it have achieve only 69 percent clean audits.

He asked what was being done about this. Minister Godongwana says steps put taken by the National Treasury include implementing contract management review processes to detect and prevent any possible unauthorised, fruitless and wasteful and irregular expenditure.

The Minister says entities that failed to receive clean audits are putting measures in place to improve their situation.

These include the Land Bank, the Public Investment Corporation, SASRIA and the Government Pensions Administration Agency.
