
Six Free State municipalities failed to pay salaries: ActionSA

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ActionSA in the Free State say they are concerned about service delivery that has been halted in six municipalities.

The party says Tokologo, Masilonyane, Mohokare, Kopanong, Mantsopa and Mafube Municipalities have failed to pay workers’ salaries.

ActionSA Free State spokesperson, Nomawethu Sbukwana says it is concerning that not a single municipality in the Free State received a clean audit.

“The dire state of Free State municipalities’ finances is evident, considering that not a single municipality in the province received a clean audit during the previous financial year. It is alarming that numerous ANC local governments are plagued by financial mismanagement, corruption and poor leadership,” explains Sbukwana.

“The failure of these six municipalities to pay salaries and third-party benefits symbolises the financial strain faced by the country’s municipalities, which ActionSA believes is an ANC-manufactured crisis facilitated by their corrosive cadre deployment policy,” she adds.
