
Consequence management for Transnet port terminal failures: Gordhan

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Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan says consequence management is being implemented in dealing with failures at port terminals under the management of logistics and transport parastatal Transnet.

Gordhan has concluded an oversight visit – alongside President Cyril Ramaphosa at the Richards Bay ports terminal on KwaZulu-Natal’s north coast.

The visit comes after Transnet’s decision to suspend the receiving of goods via road transport into its Richards Bay Mineral Port Terminal.

Gordhan says vacant positions are being filled at the parastatal to help deal with the challenges.

“The consequence management, the board has already expressed its views and some have departed. Secondly, the processes for filling those positions are on the way- and early in the new year, as far as Transnet is concerned, we will have those gaps filled in.”

“Also on the municipality – the acting CEO and I met with the mayor, the deputy mayor, and the municipal manager- and they understand that our Constitution requires in chapter three- for cooperative government- and we’ve put a formula in place to attend to some of those issues,” adds Gordhan.

The video below is reporting more on the story
