
Sombre news expected in Godongwana’s MTBPS

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Some of the political parties in Parliament say they expect some sombre news from Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana, when he delivers the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS), later today.

Godongwana is expected to deliver a gloomy budget, given the country’s poor economic performance brought on by record-high rolling blackouts among other things.

Democratic Alliance (DA) MP Ashor Sarupen says government must be very particular when deciding on its priorities.

“Taking a big red pen and slashing departmental budgets and saying we are just gonna do a percentage reduction, will not achieve anything. There is a lot that can be done.”

“Another example of this is, in 2015, the MEC for Sports in GP [Gauteng province] said her department was a department of events and nothing else. If [an] entire government MEC says that, it [that department] should be scrapped,” says Sarupen.

Antswisa Capital Chief Economist Miyelani Mkhabela discusses the MTBPS
