
Zuma happy to serve ANC

President Jacob Zuma
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Former African National Congress (ANC) president Jacob Zuma says he will say and do everything that his organisation wants him to do and say.

He was speaking after addressing a mini rally in Bekkersdal, west of Johannesburg, on Sunday during the ANC’s voter registration drive in the area. He says ANC members should play a role in ensuring maximum unity within the organisation.

The ANC has deployed its senior members across the country to encourage potential voters to register and vote in the upcoming elections.

The governing party has deployed Zuma in Mohlakeng and Bekkersdal to interact with residents and encourage them to register. He urged ANC members to work for unity as the party goes into elections.

Zuma started at the Methodist church where he urged parishioners to pray for peaceful elections.

Addressing hundreds of ANC members, he also urged residents to register.

Zuma says he is happy to serve the ANC at all times. He has also warned ANC members against complacency. He says the ANC needs to win with an overwhelming majority so that it can improve the living conditions of poor people.

Zuma says ANC members should play a role in ensuring maximum unity within the organisation. The ANC needs to win with an overwhelming majority so that it can improve the living conditions of poor people, he added.

