
Zondo Commission urged to summon Magashule to appear before it

ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the Free State has called on the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture to summon African National Congress (ANC) secretary-general Ace Magashule to appear before it.

This after investigative journalist Pieter-Louis Myburg released an explosive book which implicates him in State Capture.

DA provincial leader, Patricia Kopane, says they will hand over other information to the commission to add to the dossier they had already submitted on Magashule’s work while he was premier.

Kopane says some of the information in the book has already been reported to the various police agencies.

“We will refer this information including a copy of this lease agreement and the photos like I indicated of the unoccupied building still being renovated to the Zondo Commission. Our hope is of this commission is to summon Ace Magashule to come and testify before the Commission. This information along with the revelation of this past weekend unfortunately clearly shows that the people of the Free State have been failed by the police, definitely. Because we reported this matter to the police, and the Hawks; myself I did have private meetings with the Hawks and reported this matter but nothing happened over the years.”

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