
US, Australia, Saudi Arabia pushing back on enhancing climate action

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The United States, Australia and Saudi Arabia are among countries pushing back on enhancing climate action ambitions by 2020.

In addition, they’re also against increased funding to fight climate change.

This has resulted in a deadlock on negotiations for developed countries to finance support for the Global South.

South Africa’s Barbara Creecy is currently facilitating the negotiations.

Africa, the Carribbean and others under developed regions want the developed world to agree to pay for loss and damage caused by climate change in the Global South.

Countries which are against the sought amendments on Article 6 have been arguing that this would be a review of the Paris Agreement.

But the United Nations has called on all countries to enhance their reduction targets by the end of 2020.

And the main goal at COP25 for environmentalists and scientists is to ensure that a final document is agreed upon for the mechanisms to support adaptation in the developing world.

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