
Public urged to buy Mandela centenary T-shirts

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The year 2018 marks former president Nelson Mandela’s centenary.

South Africans are urged to wear the Mandela Centenary T-Shirt every Friday, to honour his legacy.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation aims to sell one million T-shirts globally.

A T-Shirt depicting an image of Tata Nelson Mandela’s faces and consists of 240 words associated with his vision, wisdom and legacy.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation aims to sell one million worldwide. The T-shirts are designed by South Africans.

As the Nelson Mandela Foundation, South Africans and the globe commemorate the icon’s legacy. Critics have accused Mandela of selling out the country during the democracy negotiations in the 90s.

CEO of Nelson Mandela foundation Sello Hatang says: “It’s wrong of people to want to continue to cloud Mandela’s legacy as opposed to making sure it’s preserved for future generations.”

Mandela Centenary T-shirts can either be bought from the foundation’s offices, online or from retail stores countrywide.

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