
Protests at Charlotte Maxeke hospital unacceptable: Motsoaledi

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Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi says Thursday’s protest at Charlotte Maxeke hospital in Johannesburg is unacceptable.

Protesting general workers and some of the nurses were demanding their bonuses from the Gauteng Health Department which earlier saw the hospital’s services completely disrupted.

Incoming patients were turned away while patients already in the hospital were left stranded and said protesting staff had threatened them.

Motsoaledi and Gauteng Health MEC Gwen Ramakgopa briefed the media in Johannesburg, with Motsoaledi saying the unions did not know about the strike and that those who took part in the violence and put patients lives at risk must be brought to book.

He says: “I regard this act here not as an act of labour but an act of hooliganism. Ramakgopa called the shop stewards and asked them what’s going and the shop stewards say they don’t know. It simply shows that they’ve really crossed the line.”

“As far as I am concerned Ramakgopa, whatever information you can have to get people arrested they must be arrested. Workers have got a right to strike and protest but they must do it within the realms of the law and so I will discuss this personally with the minister of police because I really believe people must be arrested. I don’t want it to become a pattern,” adds Motsoaledi.
