
Mokhobo says Guptas were long involved in the SABC

Lulama Mokhobo
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Former SABC CEO Lulama Mokhobo says that when she arrived at the SABC in 2012, she found that the Gupta linked The New Age (TNA) business breakfast briefings were flighted without a contract.

During his testimony in July, former President Jacob Zuma admitted that it was his idea for the Gupta family to start the TNA newspaper and ANN7 television channel, saying an alternative media voice was needed.

Mokhobo says their idea behind the TNA breakfast briefings was to bring government to the people.

“The purpose was as they kind of sloganised it. It was to bring government to the people and to an extent that the number of broadcasts increased, and the trips to areas outside of Gauteng increased, the argument was that those trips and the set ups in remote areas were important because those people also needed to know what government was doing,” says Mokhobo.

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