
Mandela centenary celebrations at advanced stage in Mvezo

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Preparations for the Nelson Mandela centenary celebrations are at an advanced stage at his birth place of Mvezo in the Eastern Cape.

Young and old continue to emulate his acts of selflessness.

A group of Walter Sisulu University students have heeded the call to spend 67 minutes of their time thriving for good work in honour of the world icon.

Accounting Science student, Axola Tshefu says his group have already collected more than five hundred sanitary towels to be donated to girls at four rural schools in the Mvezo area.

Tshefu says this is the way of recognizing Madiba for sacrificing his life to free South Africans.

“We collecting these pads to take them to rural schools, we have seen a struggle around schools whereby children could not come to school because they lack sanitary towels.”

“The lack of sanitary towels is an embarrassment.  Our aim is to call on government to make available free sanitary towels.”

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