
Malema reiterates call for local government elections’ postponement

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema says it will be a good move for South Africa to postpone the upcoming local government elections. He says that due to COVID-19, it won’t be possible for many political parties to interact with voters during the campaign period.

The postponement of the elections, according to Malema, will see all three spheres of government being elected at the same time, once in every five years.

He says it would be easy for South Africa to have one election that is inclusive of all spheres of government.

Malema was speaking during a media briefing in Johannesburg on Tuesday. The party held its Central Command Team meeting in Boksburg over the past weekend.

‘Political factions swallowing Zondo Commission’

Malema says the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture is fast becoming swallowed by the political factions developing in society.

However, he says, they will continue to give it support, but its Chairperson, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, must be independent.

“This commission is not what we envisioned. We didn’t know it will turn out to be like this; we thought it would deal with the Guptas and others who are alleged to be involved in corruption. But no, things have now changed,” the EFF leader says.

The party says it will guard against, what it calls, the auctioning off of State-Owned Entities to the White Monopoly Capital (WMC), which could lead to the privatisation of organisations like Eskom and the SABC.

Malema’s full address is in the video below:
