
F State ANCYL makes u-turn on burning book about Ace Magashule

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) in the Free State says it has retracted from its initial intention to burn the book on ANC Secretary General, Ace Magashule. But, it says it will do everything in its power to protect Magashule from propaganda.

The movement says Pieter-Louis Myburgh’s book “Gangster State: Unraveling Ace Magashule’s Web of Capture,” seeks to discredit the ANC ahead of the upcoming May general elections.

The book details Magashule’s dealings as a struggle activist in the 1980s and later as premier of the Free State and his rise to one of the ANC’s most influential positions.

“As the youth league, we still contend that this particular book does not belong to the shelves of our own country. It is simply propaganda machinery inspired by stratcom, precisely because they have an intention of creating a cloud around the leadership of the ANC,” says Free State ANCYL Spokesperson, Sello Pieterson.


Meanwhile, the secretary-general of the ANC Youth League in the Free State Reagan Booysen has denied sending the protesters to Sandton.

