
Controversy continues over Wendy Nelson’s appointment

Reading Time: 2 minutes

ANC whip in the North West, Raymond Elisha, says as the party they still need to understand how the province’s highest structure applied the constitution, in appointing acting Premier Wendy Nelson.

Elisha, says while he was not officially informed of the decision as it should have been the case, he is battling to understand the application of section 131 of the constitution in placing Supra Mahumapelo in the so-called leave of absence and electing of an acting person

The EFF is challenging the decision in court. The section, stipulates the incumbent can only appoint an acting person, if he is going abroad, or if he is incapacitated to execute his duties. This also refers to when he is on sick leave.

“Officially as the chief-whip I have not been informed of the appointment of the acting Premier, I see it in the media, but I do know through the media the Premier will be taking a leave and comrade Nelson will be appointed acting Premier. The scenario that seems to be in the North West, is a scenario of the absence of the Premier and we need to define the what absence mean probably mean physical absence, or leave, and we need to know who approved the leave of the Premier. Does he approve his own leave? ” says Elisha.

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