
ANC defends Magashule’s character after book release

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The African National Congress (ANC) has come out in defence of its Secretary General, Ace Magashule, following a damning media report about alleged illegal dealings during his tenure as the Free State premier.

Magashule featured in a recently published book – detailing how the ANC leader was allegedly involved in criminal activity during his tenure as the Free State premier.

Party Acting National Spokesperson Dakota Legoete says the release of the book “Gangster State: Unravelling Ace Magashule’s web of capture” by investigative journalist Pieter-Louis Myburgh is a ploy to tarnish the name of the ANC.

He says it’s surprising that the allegations surfaces just weeks ahead of the National and Provincial elections.

Dakota says the ANC will not lose focus during the run up to the elections. He says Magashule is weighing his options.

“This is an attempt of smear campaign to deface ANC campaign and all members of the ANC must be focus on their campaign to deliver on the mandate of the ANC come the 8th of May.”

“So what he has also said to me in particular is that he legally reserves his right, this means this matter might end up in court. So we will not be in a position to share further details because he made it clear.”

Launch of SACP red brigades

Meanwhile in Port Elizabeth, the SACP First Deputy General Secretary Solly Mapaila called on party members to vote ANC to protect the gains of democracy from opposition parties.

He says the governing party will win the national elections convincingly on the 8th on May.  Mapaila was speaking at the launch of the SACP red brigades.

“This ward is the past, we lost it but regained it again; that is why it’s important for us to talk to our people, party structures. We launched the Red Brigades programme, we have full time personnel on the ground, doing electioneering work, responding to their challenges. We have to regain strength.”

The SACP leader also took his campaign trail to Makhanda. That’s where he told voters that the ANC is the only political party in the country with a rich history and good service delivery record.


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